Monday, May 12, 2008

Demonstration of glazing with oil paint

This is a shot that includes everything I was working
with to demonstrate how you glaze color over a
dry underpainting. The underpainting was done
in raw umber and titanium white and allowed to
dry completely. Then layers of color are applied,
each one needing to dry before the next one is put
on. I use an alkyd medium as the glaze medium.
In the 'olden days' I made my own glazing mixture.
But hey, I don't use tin cans and string to make
calls anymore either!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What I've been doing!

This past weekend was the spring show of our
Art League which I founded some 25 years ago.
When one is doing an art show there is a great
deal of preparation leading up to it, actually being
there and doing the various jobs and then breaking it
down and putting one's materials and paintings
away. I did a demo of how to do glazing in oil
painting. I'll post a shot of that eventually. This
gives the big picture to the variety of work done
my our members and the very good attendance
that we get.

More art show

Here is the painting you saw some time
ago. All framed up and hanging at the
show. While it hasn't yet sold, it had a
lot of very good feedback and so I know
it finds a good home eventually!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Here it is!

"Lakeside" (working title) 30" x 40"
There are a few details of small branches and leaves
yet to do, but here it is pretty much a done deal.
It's the signature piece for an upcoming show I am
doing, so whew! Now it's done.
I have had a lot of satisfaction doing it, but none like
my four year old assistant's daughter looking at it
with great care and seriousness and saying with
such intent: "It's beautiful". So I'm happy.
Can't fool children.